DreamWorks Animation’s Oobermind has enlisted three new superheroes, with Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill lending their voices to the animated comedy. Variety reports that Ferrell is replacing Robert Downey…
With director Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 making just over $37 million at the domestic box office this weekend ($7 million more than the production budget), it only makes sense that the…
If you’re an aspiring screenwriter which, let’s face it, you may be, one way to break into the “business” is through a lab where you work with established mentors and advisers…
Most people that go to see District 9 this weekend will get to see Legion’s far less violent green band trailer. But recently released online was the far more interesting “Red…
There are a few types of Summer blockbusters out there these days. Of course, you’ll have the big “tent pole” films that cost $200 million and make triple that. You’ll also…
Jared Hess is a name that doesn’t normally ring a lot of bells with people over 30, but is certainly known by the younger film goers for writing and directing a…
With Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th getting remade and rebooted these days, it’s only inevitable to hear about a remake of arguably one of the scariest horror films…
Delayed for years due to studio shuffles, MTV Splashpage is now reporting that Rob Zombie’s adult-oriented, animated adaptation of his Haunted World of El Superbeasto comic book, originally tagged for straight-to-DVD…