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  • Instagram App Coming for Android

    With the popularity of smartphones like the iPhone and myriad of Android-powered handsets, one of the things users love to do is take and share photos with friends and family. One…

  • Flipboard for iPhone Now Available

    Let’s face it, there’s a lot of apps out there for the iPad and iPhone. Many of them are even useful and, on occasion, fun to use. You can add Flipboard…

  • Marvel Comics iOS App Gets A Serious Update

    Reading comics digitally on a tablet is the future. The size of tablets, and their vibrant images, make it an almost perfect reading experience. Well, Marvel Comics has an app for…

  • New Samsung Ad Makes Fun of Apple Hipsters

    As owners and users of all sorts of Apple gear, we understand that others who don’t “get it” could misunderstand our love for all-things Apple. So, in the interest of presenting…

  • Netflix Releases New UI for Android Tablets

    Even though they seem to, at times, be mostly in the business of making their customers angry, Netflix is still one of the best places to get your movie and TV…