I’ve read a lot of novels, and I’ve heard that Les Misérables is the best. I hadn’t read it, and I didn’t believe it. After seeing Les Misérables, I’m starting to.…
For your viewing pleasure here’s the new trailer for Baz Luhrmann’s big screen adaption of the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic The Great Gatsby. As you probably know, Leonardo DiCaprio plays the…
Yep. Even better. Can. Not. Wait.…
It’s been nearly ten years since Middle Earth unfurled across the screen, and in that time, the Lord of the Rings films have cemented their place in cinematic history. The actors…
Among the many things we love around here is great design. And one of the greatest designers of all time is the legendary Saul Bass. His work on countless movie posters…
Giant robots fighting giant monsters. Guillermo Del Toro. Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman, Idris Elba and Charlie Day. Giant frakking robots fighting giant frakking monsters! ‘Nuff said. Enjoy the first trailer for…
Yes, the first G.I. Joe was pretty to look at, but dumb. Much like its star. Of course, even if it was not everything it could have been, the gang at…
So, we’ve got a new trailer for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel. We’ve watched it and dissected it and the consensus around here is we like what we see. Could this…