DC Universe Online has got to be the most epic game in the world. Because of the hype surrounding it, and the constant delays, this game had better be the best…
Yesterday we brought you news that may have changed the console race between PS3, XBox 360, and PS3 as it was announced that the Wii owners will no longer need a…
These days, there are plenty of classic games that are getting the big-budget revamp, but it’s the few that gamers from the 90s remember with nostalgia that are finally getting justice…
Have you ever watched a snuff film? Hopefully not. But you have also more than likely never played through one either. And while Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days isn’t exactly…
In the world of MMORPGs, the players who excel are the ones that have the most time to devote to the game. It makes sense that the longer you have to…
So XBox Live Arcade brings the latest Tomb Raid— Oops. Still getting used to the title change. Let’s try again. During Microsoft’s Summer of Arcade, the XBox received a five week…
At Comic Con, we had the opportunity to speak with Associate Producer Dan Sutton from volition inc, the developers behind Red Faction: Armageddon and get footage of a developer walk through…
At Comic-Con, we had some time to spend talking with the developers and getting some more hands on exposure to DC Universe Online. In addition to talking to Executive Creative Director…