Here we are and another week sees more new comics coming out from the House of M. This week there’s a few we’re particularly interested in incuding Amazing Spider-Man & Wolverine…
Press Releases
Today Apple announced the availability of the second version of the iPad, aka the iPad 3G. For those of you who’ve been waiting for some iPad goodness, you have a definitive date…
This week finds Marvel out with another bunch of new comics and other goodies. Of the ones dropping this week we’re particularly interested in Iron Man Noir #1, Powers #4, Punishermax…
We’re all pretty big fans of comedy here in The Flickcast offices. From our love of this year’s Hot Tub Time Machine, to our obsession with shows like Community, Modern Family,…
Another week and more comics. Fortunately, it never seems to end and we keep getting fun stuff to read. This week, we’re interested in a few titles including the latest Marvel…
Today is Tuesday so that means new comics drop tomorrow. And what better guys to support than your friendly neighborhood comic book publisher Marvel comics. This week, as they do almost…
One of the coolest comic teams in history is Marvel’s Avengers. With all the turmoil and changes that’s hit the Marvel Universe of late it’s nice to see that the team…
While it was hinted at for quite some time, news broke yesterday that made it official. It looks like Dimension has officially greenlit Scream 4, with not only original writer Kevin…