Well played, Office. I don’t care if there’s not a single funny moment for the rest of the season, you guys get a pass for the not only the best premiere…
TV Recaps
Welcome back, Venture Bros., you’ve been sorely missed during your 9-month absence (has it really been that long?). I’ve tried filling the void with other obscuria-laden shows (*cough* Rubicon *cough*) before…
Hmm. Is it safe to call the show Broken Bad now? I have held out hope, despite all the signs pointing otherwise, that Walt is still a decent human being. Guess…
So Quinn’s pregnant, Jesse (thankfully) dumped Rachel and got back with his group Vocal Adrenaline, which is poised to win regionals. If they do, then Glee Club’s over (have they used…
Now, that’s how it is done. The best show on television gave us one of the best hours of television I can remember. It took me a full ten minutes after…
This recap contains spoilers for the Breaking Bad episode, “Abiquiu.” “Abiquiu” opens with a flashback of Jesse and Jane pontificating about the artwork of Georgia O’Keefe. The two are examining a…
Note: this episode was directed by Rian Johnson, who also directed Brick and The Brothers Bloom. This recap assumes that you have seen the episode, heavy spoilers. Well, this evening we…
Michael’s embroiled in the Sabre-flaming-printer-scandal. Sabre bigwig Jo (Kathy Bates) shows up and wants to know who sang to the press, putting Andy on the spot (apparently the titular whistleblower, but…