Android 2.2 Archives
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Android 2.2

  • Flipboard Officially Arrives for Android

    One of the apps I use the most often on my iPad has finally come to Android. That’s right, for you Android users jealous of your iOS using friends who get…

  • Netflix App Finally Comes to Some Android Devices

    If you’re an Android-powered device user and have been jealous of all your iPhone and iPad using friends who get to watch Netflix content on their devices, be jealous no longer. Netflix finally announced that…

  • HTC ThunderBolt On Sale For Verizon Wireless Today

    For those of you lamenting the lack of cool 4G smartphone offerings available for the Verizon Wireless network, this is the day you’ve been waiting for. Verizon Wireless’ first LTE handset,…

  • Google Updates Gmail Android App

    Good news for those of you currently using something other than an iPhone and in particular users of Android powered devices. Google has, in their infinite benevolence, updated the Gmail application…