Kristen Wiig Archives
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Kristen Wiig

  • Latest ‘Despicable Me 2’ Trailer Arrives

    If you like this sort of thing (animated movie sequels, that is) then you will probably be excited to see the latest trailer for Universal’s Despicable Me 2. Universal opens its…

  • Movie Review: ‘Friends With Kids’

    Friends with Kids is one of those high concept romantic comedies that posits a Big Life Question—in this case: can a couple have a baby together and keep the romance?—and then spends…

  • Film Review: ‘Bridesmaids’

    If you dismiss Bridesmaids as an estrogen laden raunch fest, you’d be selling it short. Not only is the film wickedly funny, but it has a surprising amount of heart to…

  • SXSW Film Review: ‘Paul’

    I’m a shameful(less?) Anglophile, which in turn makes me an unabashed(ful) Francophobe, and some of the tenderest English patches of my otherwise iron heart are reserved for Simon Pegg, Nick Frost,…

  • Review: ‘Despicable Me’

    Who would have thought that two of the best movies of the summer would be animated family fare?  First we had Pixar’s wonderful Toy Story 3, and now we are treated…

  • Review: ‘Date Night’

    I had a great time at Date Night. You would be hard pressed to find more likable leads than Tina Fey and Steve Carrell, who have great chemistry together as boring New…