So if there was ever a reason to watch Once Upon a Time last night, we found it with the premiere trailer for the coming series, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And…
Luke Cage
Since he found out Marvel was interested in bringing Luke Cage to the big or small screen, Old Spice spokesman Isiah Mustafa has been petitioning online for the part, as he…
Since the announcement that Disney purchased Marvel Entertainment over a year ago, we the fans have been waiting to see exactly how that would effect us, because really, it’s all about…
Welcome to this week’s On the Radar where we delve into all corners of the entertainment, tech and geek Internets for news, views and whatnot that may have escaped our regular…
As we saw last month, big things are coming for the Avengers brand after the events of Siege. First was the Avengers title which was quickly followed up with the Secret…
Even with the just announced sale of Marvel to Disney, its still business as usual at the comic book company. And that means, of course, brand new comics coming out this…