In 1995, an animation studio called Pixar released Toy Story, a tale that chronicled what toys do when no one is around. The movie featured the loyal and charismatic Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks), whose…
I’ve got three words for you. Big. Dumb. Fun. Isn’t that the way we like our summer fare here in the states? Apparently a cohesive plot was sacrificed in The A-Team…
In 2008, Russell Brand appeared in Forgetting Sarah Marshall as his alter ego Aldous Snow, a cocky, obnoxious rock star who nabs hottie Kristen Bell from her long time boyfriend. Brand…
Given the current spate of advances in genetic engineering, Splice seems eerily prescient. After all, we have already seen the rapid evolution of cloning. Supermarkets now carry cloned produce, and mammals…
In Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Jake Gyllenhal stars as Prince Dastan, a former orphan who caught the eye of the king with a heroic deed, and was adopted into…
By Chris Ullrich Reprinted from Fantastic Fest, 9/30/09 As a big fan of horror movies and the zombie sub-genre, I really wanted to like George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead…
(Intro to be read in Carrie Bradshaw’s voice-over): There I was, on my way to meet one of my gal pals for a early screening of Sex in the City 2.…
At this point, what can I really tell you that you don’t know about Shrek? Unless you have been living under a tree stump in a swamp, chances are you are…