Screenwriting Archives
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  • Final Draft Releases Version 9

    Believe it or not, the actors in a movie or TV program don’t just make up their dialog on the spot (well, sometimes). Nor do the director or producers just make…

  • Software Review: Final Draft Reader for iOS

    For screenwriters in Hollywood and elsewhere, the usual software tool for writing that million dollar screenplay is Final Draft. The software has been around for years, is used by most every…

  • FDX Reader for iPad Released

    When the iPad was first released many users regarded it as an ideal device to read books, comic books, magazines and screenplays. For that last one, your choices were pretty much…

  • Final Draft for iPad and iPhone Coming Soon

    If you’re an aspiring screenwriter, a veteran of multiple TV shows or pretty much any kind of entertainment writer, you’ve probably heard of, and most likely use, a piece of software…