There may have been plenty of mixed emotions about Funny People, but before that film, writer/director Judd Apatow struck comedy gold with Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up. The…
It’s that time of year again. The time when actors and actresses are honored for all the hard work they piled together in the 12 months leading up to one moment…
In a time when not even adaptations of board games are off the table for most of the bigger Hollywood studios, a story like this isn’t as far fetched as it…
While Broadway’s Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark may just be doomed as it enters it’s second month of being open, there is a new live superhero show on the horizon, which…
Who says the first major casting news out of 2011 has to be boring? Not fans of either Sam Jackson, Luke Wilson, or films with the word Evil in them, as…
Merry Christmas to all you War Movie Monday fans and thank you for following this year’s cavalcade of classic war pictures. This week’s pick is in honor of the Christmas season,…
While most people protest that the main character is the most important part to any incarnation of The Green Hornet, there is a huge argument to be made that the true…
It seems like even the terrible reviews couldn’t keep families away from seeing the third (and hopefully final) film in the Meet The Parents trilogy. Even our own Nat Almirall gave…