In America you almost never see two films targeting the same audience released wide on the same day, this is sort of an unwritten rule among studios to make sure films…
DC Entertainment
For those fighting and comic gamers that have been living under a rock since SDCC, the makers of Mortal Kombat are bringing the DC Universe back to the realm of fighters…
Yesterday, the comics world lost one of its legends. Both an amazing artist and creator, Joe Kubert is one of the true icons in the world of comic illustration. Kubert’s career…
It is really hard to take a franchise away from what made it a success, especially when most people consider the lead actor the pivotal piece of the franchise. Yet that was the task of…
Ten years ago if you told me the Avengers would be one of the highest grossing films of all time, I don’t think I would have believed you. Even when Marvel…
In its third week of release The Dark Knight Rises once again trumps all competition to reign supreme in the Box Office battlefield. Honestly, I could have written that sentence two years ago…
For all the hit and miss of DC’s theatrical features in the last decade, their animated features have been mostly top-notch. The wealth of quality has evolved from the team that brought us the…
Jonathan Blunk. Alexander J. Boik. Jesse Childress. Gordon Cowden. Jessica Ghawi. John Larimer. Matt McQuinn. Micayla Medek. Veronica Moser-Sullivan. Alex Sullivan. Alexander C. Teves. Rebecca Wingo. Twelve lives ended alongside 58…