We follow this quirky tale of a town populated by a secret community of geniuses pretty closely here at The Flickcast. Eureka is a fun and often funny and dramatic show…
This week, things are getting a bit weird on Fringe, which is an understatement if you’re a regular viewer of the show. This week, things get turned around as we’re told…
Yesterday, we were elated to bring you news that TNT had more guts and faith than NBC to renew Southland for another season. While we were so excited about the news,…
Interview: Composer Maury Yeston Talks About Creating ‘Nine’, Writing ‘The Star War Christmas Album’
Back in 2002, Rob Marshall took the Broadway film Chicago and turned it into a big-budget Hollywood musical with names like Catherine Zeta-Jones and Richard Gere. A few years later, Marshall…
Previously on The Flickcast we brought the first preview taking you behind the scenes for Marvel’s latest motion comic Iron Man Extremis. The comic sold well and now they are back…
Sometimes good shows actually get the treatment they deserve instead of being unceremoniously dumped from their network. Case in point is TNT’s excellent cop drama Southland which began life on NBC…
In honor of the HBO mini series The Pacific, this week’s pick goes out to the “devil dogs” of the United States Marine Corp with the 1967 release Beach Red, directed…
If you’ve felt something was missing from your Monday nights you’re in luck because Chuck returns tonight with an all new episode. To commemorate this great event, we’ve got a preview…