Movies Archives – Page 36 of 424
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  • Christmas Picks: ‘I Come in Peace’

    Seasons Greetings! This week’s Christmas pick is the 1990 action sci-fi classic I Come in Peace (a.k.a. Dark Angel). International action star and He-Man type (no pun intended) Dolph Lundgren stars…

  • New ‘Officer Down’ Trailer Looks Interesting

    We like cop movies and this new one, called Officer Down, looks pretty interesting. It’s got a great cast, including Stephen Dorff, James Woods, David Boreanaz and Walton Goggins, and from…

  • Movie Review: ‘Playing for Keeps’

    About halfway through Playing for Keeps, I noticed that I hadn’t laughed yet but so far had found it pretty watchable. Having Uma Thurman parade around in her frillies certainly doesn’t…

  • 2012 Holiday Geek Gift Guide

    Now, I’m not going to come on here and pretend I know what every geek in your life is going to want. But if they are anything like me, there is…

  • Christmas Picks: ‘Lethal Weapon’

    This week’s Christmas pick is the 1987 buddy cop classic Lethal Weapon. The film stars Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, and Gary Busey. Being the first film in the successful movie franchise,…

  • Spirit Award Nominations Announced

    Nominees for the 28th Annual Spirit Awards were announced today and in many of the categories, some familiar names seem to be recurring. Best Feature nominees are Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Keep The…