This won’t necessarily be a regular thing here at The Flickcast, but we seem to be seeing a lot of cool trailers this week, so we thought we would bring a…
Machete Kills plays like a late Roger-Moore era Bond film — and not just because there’s a lot of visual cues and ideas taken from Moonraker — the action and the…
We don’t know about you, but we’ve always thought J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel The Hobbit was missing something. Sure, it’s a hugely successful, classic book with amazing characters and visuals. But we…
This is a difficult one. On the one hand, the constant use of jump scares, which last for about two-thirds of the running time, feels like a cheat. The camera closes…
That’s right. The franchise that just keeps coming back whether it is through sequels or 3D rereleases, Jurassic Park has been something we haven’t been able to get away from since…
When you’re a successful actor looking for the next challenge, that next challenge is often to direct a movie. Add Keanu Reeves to that list of actors. His first directing effort…
The poster declares the theme of the film to be “knowing when to say when,” which is as good a summation as any, and has just the right amount of vagueness.…
A movie can often only be as good as its villain. Luckily for Marvel, Tom Hiddleston stole the show in both Thor and The Avengers as the god of mischief Loki.…