Fortunately, even with all the things seemingly going wrong in the world, we still get to enjoy one great thing (Or things) each and every week: new comics. This week brings…
Welcome to this week’s On the Radar where we delve into all corners of the entertainment, tech and geek Internets for news, views and whatnot that may have escaped our regular…
The rule is to “never say never” in the comic book world. When a writer or publisher vows that they’re killing off a character, never to bring them back, 9 out…
Here we go. Another week and more new comics hitting store shelves from our friends at Marvel. This week we’re looking forward to some Iron Man/Thor #1, Wolverine #3, Punisher: In…
Let the speculation and artist renderings end as we now have the first “official” look at Chris Evens in costume as Captain America in the upcoming film. The pic, which graces…
After months of speculation about the sequel to The Dark Knight, at least now we have some info that’s confirmed. In a new interview over at Hero Complex, Christopher Nolan reveals…
This week brings new ones from our friends at Marvel. Among the ones dropping this week that we are particularly excited about are Avengers #6, Captain America #611, Secret Warriors #21…
Comics, comics, comics. This week brings new ones from our friends at Marvel. Among the ones dropping this week that we are particularly excited about are Kick-Ass 2 #1, Loki #1,…