Another network has joined in and has announced their schedule for the Fall. Like NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox, The CW has stepped up to let us all know what they…
As we have in the past we’ve got another look behind the scenes of the Iron Man Extremis motion comic from Marvel. So far, these motion comics have been of very…
Here you are Marvel fans, a roundup of all the great comics, trades and whatnot coming out from your favorite publisher on Wednesday. This week there’s lots of Avengers and Iron…
Whatever your feelings about director Jon Favreau’s work on the recent Iron Man 2 (for the record both Matt and I enjoyed it but didn’t love it) he’s moving forward with…
To be honest, I haven’t really watched much of Tim Roth’s show Lie to Me. However, I’m really excited for the news that Fox has apparently renewed the show Human Target.…
As we’ve done with the last two episodes we’re pleased to bring you a preview of the next episode of the Iron Man Extremis motion comic. The episode, which will be…
It’s been a long time since Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep hit the shelves in 1968 and inspired a generation of Sci-Fi fans. In the novel,…
As I took my seat, front and center, I heard geeks trying with care not to divulge spoilers about the secret ending. Before I knew it, it was 12:01. An…