Comics Archives – Page 83 of 94
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  • Marvel Announces ‘Avengers Day’

    One of the coolest comic teams in history is Marvel’s Avengers. With all the turmoil and changes that’s hit the Marvel Universe of late it’s nice to see that the team…

  • Lois Lane is No Flight of Fancy

    Inundated by a flurry of commercials blasting the latest nerd boy fantasy, She’s Out of Your League, I’m reminded of another story about an awkward boy and a stunning, but much…

  • Marvel Comics On Sale This Week

    This week brings more new comics from our friends at Marvel. Of the ones coming out we’re particularly interested in the latest The Marvels Project, Secret Warriors #14, Peter Parker #1…

  • Marvel Comics On Sale This Week

    Another week, another set of cool comics coming out from our pals at Marvel. This week sees the release of the next issue of Siege as well as Dark Avengers #15,…

  • No More Hulk for Edward Norton?

    It sounds like the only “green” we’ll see Edward Norton dealing with in the near future will be for his upcoming film Leaves of Grass.  Speaking at SXSW, Norton was asked…