It must be nice to work for a site where people send you info about all kinds of interesting new gadgets and gizmos like they do over at The Boy Genius…
In what can’t really be a surprise development to anyone, the San Jose Mercury News is reporting that Apple is planning “a new subscription plan for newspapers” for their iPad, iPhone…
Here at The Flickcast we like to experiment with cool gadgets, software and such that can add something fun to our otherwise dreary lives toiling away for the man. Of course…
After a bit of a wait it looks like the folks at Samsung have decided to officially let out details regarding their Galaxy Tab tablet. Now that they have, we’ve got…
Netflix is one great service, and while it’s been available for streaming from devices like the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii, it’s never been available for anything portable other than…
The tablet “wars” are getting even more interesting as, according to our friends at Download Squad, Google is apparently set to launch a new Chrome OS powered tablet device with Verizon…
As we’ve been reporting, Marvel has been steadily releasing free comics for their native iPad app. Mostly, these releases have been one-shots or first issues, designed to lure you into buying…
With several comic book publishers, including Marvel, already heavily invested in the digital comics space, it seems DC has now decided to get into the world of digital publishing as well.…