In 1995, an animation studio called Pixar released Toy Story, a tale that chronicled what toys do when no one is around. The movie featured the loyal and charismatic Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks), whose…
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Lee Unkrich
Going off to college is never easy. It’s even harder when your most beloved childhood toys get donated to a day care center, and that’s the situation Andy and his toys…
While Disney may be closing it’s doors to one of their studios, we can expect to see plenty more from the giant as they plan for one of their biggest release…
While the name does sound pretty imaginary, the character is quite real, and will be voiced by an even more real actor, Timothy Dalton. Fresh from playing the big bad in…
Moviefone has gotten access to a new still from the upcoming Disney/Pixar Animation film Toy Story 3 showing the whole gang in their new setting. The immediate thing that sticks out…