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  • Google Rides 3D Wave with Google Street View 3D

    It’s not just Hollywood that seems obsessed with 3D technology lately. It’s also video game makers Sony and Microsoft, who have both talked up their forthcoming 3D gaming strategies, as well…

  • PAX East: The Tech Roundup

    Some of the latest and greatest in gaming technology can be cool and exciting, but it can also be expensive and unnecessary. We saw a lot of both at this year’s…

  • Motorola DROID 2.1 Upgrade Details Emerge

    Over at the terrific Boy Genius Report, they’ve got the reported details on the upcoming update to the Motorola DROID. This update will bring the DROID to Android Software version 2.1.…

  • Apple Sues Google Nexus One Maker HTC

    It’s Tuesday so that must mean it’s a day for lawsuits, at least where Apple, Inc. is concerned. Case in point, our favorite fruit flavored technology company is suing hardware maker…

  • Wal-Mart Buys Vudu

    The number one seller of DVDs in the country, Wal-Mart, has apparently seen the writing on the wall and is again getting into online distribution of movies and other video content…

  • Seesmic Twitter Client for Android Updated

    There’s no denying Twitter’s popularity. It’s everywhere and many people use it all day, every day. So, if you need to Tweet while on the go, you need an smartphone with…