Late yesterday Warner Bros decided to let everyone know “officially” what most of us knew already: The Dark Knight Rises has begun filming. Even though this isn’t really news, it still…
Chris Ullrich
If you’ve been counting the weeks, days, hours, minutes and second until the third Transformers movie hits theaters and destroys everything in its path, the amount you have to count has just gotten…
As if the beleaguered Sony doesn’t have enough problems already what with all the recent security breaches, hacking and general ill will from fans who waited a long time for the…
It’s probably only a matter of time before every movie ever made is converted to 3D. Fortunately, that’s just an exaggeration as we can’t see something like Ishtar, Heaven’s Gate, Norbit…
It’s no secret we are really looking forward to the new Torchwood: Miracle Day series debuting on Starz in July. Obviously, this is a pretty big deal for fans of the…
As expected, Motorola on Wednesday announced that the sequel to the popular DROID X smartphone will launch later this month. The Motorola DROID X2 will be available for pre-order on May…
We’ve been following this one for a long time since the days when we only knew a bit about the story. Fortunately, over the months we’ve gotten more and more info…
Will wonders never cease. After being dark for, um, a little while, it seems Sony has begun the process of restoring the PlayStation Network. About time, I’m sure many would say…