John Lasseter once said that no sequel would ever be made at PIXAR with out the original director’s involvement or explicit permission. It is that mandate that has caused the biggest no brainer at PIXAR, Incredibles 2,…
Remember the big splash The Avengers made at the box office all those weeks ago? Remember how it seemed like the biggest most ridiculous opening ever? Well prepare for some deja…
The concept of a new Vacation movie is tricky. On one hand there is juice left in the original franchise, you could bring as much of the original gang back as…
Ted has set the new standard for original R-Rated comedies, bringing in just over $54 Million dollars during the weekend. The Seth McFarlane directorial debut has established a record for comedies…
Seth MacFarlane’s feature-film directing debut mines two of his favorite devices: anthropomorphism and ’80s pop culture. In Family Guy we got a talking dog; in American Dad, a talking fish (and…
There will be a large segment of you that will ignore this movie in its entirety. There are many reasons why you may do that, a dislike of Kevin James, a dislike…
Many people have been quick to judge PIXAR to be in a slump. Saying that their last film, Cars 2, was horrible and Brave is just mediocre. I have a feeling…
Say what you will about the recent work of Kevin Smith, but there was a time when he was the voice of a whole generation of film fans. As a card-carrying…