Now that the countdown clock is ticking for the last episode of Lost to air (and everyone to be torn on the ending), even the most secretive of Lost fans are…
It’s that time of the year when the regular award season comes to a halt and those “other” award shows start picking up the slack. The quotes are in place due…
For years, members of both genders have cowered in the shadows with their secret interest in what goes on behind the closed doors of Clark Kent’s apartment, or on the wedding…
Sad news for fans of The Sarah Silverman Program as Comedy Central has finally given the show the axe after three seasons. The show had been bounced back and forth in…
With LOST ending in less than a month, just about everybody is scrapping together anything they can to try to figure out where creators Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse could possible…
1978’s The Boys in Company C, along with Go Tell the Spartans, was one of the first Vietnam films to be made after the war. Directed by Sidney J. Furie, the…
For those who are catching up on Doctor Who through BBC America, this season has been quite an interesting one so far for the newest Doctor. He’s liberated a space whale,…
Wow—solid cold opening, made doubly more effective by the thought that it was long overdue. The episode jumps right into Michael’s love life. He’s looking for something new to do on…