Oh Facebook, as if we didn’t already waste enough time on you, now you want to be an even larger part of our mobile lives? Oh boy. That’s right folks, Facebook…
Mobile Apps
With Samsung’s press event a short time away (tonight at 7PM Eastern, to be exact), more photos and videos have come out showing the new hotness that is the Galaxy S…
Do you love comics from Marvel and prefer them in digital format? Are you a current or future Marvel Unlimited subscriber? Have an iPad or iPhone? Well, if you fit the…
Now normally, I’d just toss up a game review for something like Final Fantasy: All The Bravest like it was any other game. But it isn’t really like any other game.…
Right about now, it seems like there are a few companies that have been given the license to print money. LucasArts, the men holding the rights to all things Star Wars,…
Chances are even if you are a hardcore gamer, you probably haven’t heard about 10000000. And its understandable. With hundreds of apps getting put on the App Store daily, it’s easy…
When we first got games on our cell phones, it was something to do to fill the time waiting in line at the bank or kill a few minutes when someone…
Even though some may have decided Google+ is a vast waseland with nothing to offer, I disagree. In fact, I often find more interesting discussion on G+ than I do on…