Lest we forget, Spring Breakers writer/director Harmony Korine is the guy who got his start writing Larry Clark’s Kids, a film whose characters drank, did drugs, had sex, beat up strangers…
As we get closer to the release date of J.J. Abrams Star Trek sequel Into Darkness, expect to see more and more promotional material from the movie. This time said promotional…
Both James McAvoy and Mark Strong have distinguished themselves with impressive roles in some great films. And now, they’re both in one together: Eran Creevy’s thriller Welcome To The Punch. Exec…
Microsoft has done a great job transforming the Xbox 360 from an awesome gaming console to a complete home entertainment system, offering services like like Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube and WatchESPN…
Yes, I am a grown man. An overgrown man at that. But I haven’t been as excited about an animated movie sequel since Toy Story 2, which came out when I…
The other day when interviewed by a Chicago reporter from WGN9 at a ceremony for *Michigan Avenue* magazine, Harrison Ford was asked about the rumors of the “old gang” getting back…
One thing you can be sure of, Iron Man 3 is gonna be at least pretty good and, more to the point, make a lot of money. In fact, our prediction…
Coming as a surprise to no one, Oz: The Great and Powerful has come in first in the weekend box office for a second weekend in a row. The film is…