The following was discovered in the journal of Sir Heinriech Blossom Bugfellow, Gentleman: During my travels, I came across a curious figure of Mr. Snipe, a derelict of the town who,…
Figures it would take David O. Russell to come up with one of my favorite rom-coms of 2012. I’m not ashamed to admit that rom-coms are maybe my favorite movie genre,…
It’ll be interesting to see how audiences who haven’t read Life of Pi, Yann Martel’s 2001 novel respond to director Ang Lee’s vision of the colorful tale. Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel…
I feel like I’ve been writing the sentence, “I’m not sure whether the world was clamoring for a x remake…” and that’s probably more due to my utter lack of creativity…
Even though we often cover big Hollywood movies here, we can’t forget that there’s a large group of people who make smaller movies too. Some of these smaller movies are extremely…
At numerous points in the watching of Lincoln, Steven Spielburg’s new ode to America and Americana, I was reminded of Tableau Vivant, a kind of staged group charades that was a popular entertainment of…
This country is big enough for more than one Red Dawn movie. Sure, we liked the original featuring Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen, but this new one looks pretty good too.…