Arrow is cornered by a SWAT team in Laurel’s office with no means of escape. A lady vigilante swoops in and saves Arrow. She has blond hair. Could it be Felicity?…
TV Recaps
A street corner magician displays his power of creating fire, when a woman (Raina) catches his eye. He invites her back to his place, where two men appear in HAZMAT suits…
Oh Oncers, we’re back again for some Neverland adventures and general stupidity by all adults present. We start with the recently captured Bae being led through the forest by Felix. “You…
Hey folks, I’m back after a couple of week layoff. I had some family stuff to attend to, and was unable to do any recaps. But I’m back now, and ready…
A big new character debuts tonight but will she be the cute, charming Tinker Bell that lights up the Disney castle or the snotty one who nearly got Wendy and Peter…
Well Oncers, this was an episode with a lot of things I cannot stand (Snow and Charming’s gushy optimism) but also some things that I absolutely adore (Rumbelle and Hook’s everything).…
This episode should have been titled ‘Treachery Afoot.’ One twist that I should have seen coming from a mile away, and another that was a good little feeder for a secondary…
This episode centers on a Native American dream demon known as Ro’kenhronteys (The Sandman). He visits Abbie in a dream that includes Ichabod Crane and an unknown woman. Abbie and Crane…