Since the announcement of the Hardened Edition and Care Package Edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, one would think there isn’t much left to tease people with before its…
Game Trailers
Not since Pokemon has a “gotta get ’em all” mentality hit gaming like it has with Skylanders. Shipments would hit stores and be gone within a few short days. And when…
Because we know just how important Skylanders are to both geeks and the parents of young aspiring geeks, we’ve got the reveal trailer for the latest Giant coming to Skylanders Giants…
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron has been one of those games that true fans of the franchise can’t get away from. Between its great story and improved gameplay, it has a tight…
Say what you will about the Transformers movies (and we have), the game tie-ins are actually pretty fun. The first game was a big success and because of that, Activision a…
One of the great things about Kickstarter is that varied levels game design that come forth from its plethora of projects. While some games are simple iOS titles that can be…
With 007 Legends getting closer to its October 16th release, we get a look at two new levels for the game. Alongside the already announced Moonraker, Her Majesty’s Secret Service and…
After being announced by Activision as the top grossing toy line of last year, people are already lining up in anticipation of the release of Skylanders’ next endeavor, Skylanders Giants. To…