Fans of excellent animated superhero adventures are in for a treat today as Warner Bros. is releasing the next installment of their DC Universe animated original movie series. This one, called…
Arrow confronts an accountant for a corrupt businessman, stealing his laptop. Felicity is trying to trace the money so they can return to its rightful owners when she finds a weird…
Deadshot is back in the US, and has already killed a German Ambassador. Diggle goes to his contact with the FBI for information, but she has figured out that Deadshot killed…
After the long wait since first seeing glimpses at San Diego Comic-Con last Summer, Injustice: Gods Among Us arrived last week. After all the hype behind it with its roster of…
Today has been a great day for trailers, especially if you’re a fan of sci-fi or comic book action. First, the new Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer arrives and now we’ve…
If you’ve been waiting for a brand new, awesome, online combat game featuring a cast of your favorite DC superheroes and villains, you’re wait is at an end. That’s right, Warner…
Back in February we revealed that the leader of the Yellow Lanterns, a.k.a. the Sinestro Corps, would be taking one of the roster spots in Injustice: Gods Among Us to act…
If you loved Batman: Arkham Asylum and the sequel, Arkham City, get ready for some more awesome Batman action. That’s right, there’s another installment of the game franchise on the way.…