It’s been about four years since we last saw William “B.J.” Blazkowicz take the fight to the filthy Nazi forces in Wolfenstein. Finally yesterday though, it was announced that B.J. would…
Game Trailers
Ever wonder what the attraction to Lobo as a character was? Aside from being an amalgam of various comic tropes and stereotypes, something about him ended up resonating to the point…
Plants vs. Zombies came out way back in 2009 for the PC and Mac from PopCap games. It would go on to be ported to iOS, XBLA, Nintendo DS, the PSN,…
Nostalgia for retro lifestyle can go two ways. There are those things we fondly remember that when we revisit them they don’t seem to hold up. See the original Teenage Mutant…
Back in January we reported on the breaking news that LEGO Marvel Super Heroes was coming. Yes, we know it was kind of a no brainer but it was great to…
In the history of video games, the Grand Theft Auto franchise is one of the most successful. We could spend a lot of time debating why it’s been so successful, but…
If you’re close to my age, one of your favorite video game memories is most likely being in the arcade playing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game in all its side…
When people think of Bethesda right now, two things come to mind. Fallout and the Elder Scrolls. So when a video surfaced today on Vine from Bethesda Softworks featuring a spinning…