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  • Marvel Comics On Sale This Week

    As we do each week, here’s the list of all the Marvel comics on sale this week. We’re sure you know that new comics come out on Wednesday and some of…

  • Marvel Debuts ‘Astonishing X-Men’ Music Video

    Like many things in life these days, a music video about a rather famous group of mutants and the comic chronicling their adventures is probably something that’s inevitable. So, its with…

  • Marvel Comics On Sale This Week

    Once again its time for the weekly list of new comics coming out on Wednesday from our pals at Marvel. This time around there’s some pretty cool titles including the new…

  • Cable Joins ‘Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2’

    Last week, we got word of the first new downloadable characters for the sequel to Marvel Ultimate Alliance in X-Men’s Psylocke and Spider-Man’s Carnage. After that, in one of the promo…

  • Get a Sneak Peek at Marvel’s ‘MarvelFest’

    Previously, we were able to bring you the first news of the upcoming event known as MarvelFest and told you that it would, in part, be held to commemorate the launch…

  • Marvel Comics On Sale This Week

    As we do each week (unless something goes horribly wrong) following is a list of all the great Marvel comics hitting store shelves this week. In case you don’t know how…

  • Marvel Annouces ‘MarvelFest 2009’

    If you happen to live in New York, or are planning on being in the city on October 28th and you love all things Marvel, this post is for you. Why?…