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  • ‘Evil Dead’ In 60 Seconds With Clay

    Sometimes when you’re looking around the far reaches of the Internets you find a lot of videos and whatnot that are, well, not really that interesting. For every Star Wars Kid…

  • ‘The Drawn Together Movie’ Gets A Teaser Trailer

    Back at Comic-Con in San Diego last year we heard some interesting news that the raunchy animated series, Drawn Together, would be getting a direct-to-DVD movie release. We, of course, tried…

  • New ‘Toy Story 3’ Photo Released

    Moviefone has gotten access to a new still from the upcoming Disney/Pixar Animation film Toy Story 3 showing the whole gang in their new setting. The immediate thing that sticks out…

  • Fan Film Friday: ‘Freeman’s Mind’

    He has been the face behind 20,000,000 units in video games sales. He was a simple scientist who fought his way through the disaster at Black Mesa and went on to…