Horror Archives – Page 17 of 20
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  • Review: ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’

    When Platinum Dunes announced plans to remake the original Nightmare on Elm Street, I had mixed feelings. I was a fan of the original series, and watched all seven movies. I…

  • First Poster for ‘Scream 4’ Appears

    Well, well, well, look what came to our inboxes today here at The Flickcast offices. It’s the brand new teaser poster for the next installment of Wes Craven’s Scream franchise. The…

  • ‘Evil Dead’ In 60 Seconds With Clay

    Sometimes when you’re looking around the far reaches of the Internets you find a lot of videos and whatnot that are, well, not really that interesting. For every Star Wars Kid…

  • SXSW Review: ‘Red, White, and Blue’

    Remember the first time you saw Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer? If you were like me, you felt a bit dirty by the end for watching it, and a little…

  • SXSW Review: ‘Monsters’

    Much Like District 9, Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity before it, Monsters exists in a world where filmmakers with a singular vision just decide one day to go out and make the…