It was just a matter of time but according to reports, Apple has completed negotiations with all four of the major record labels including Warner Music Group, EMI Music Group, Universal…
In a move that was somewhat unexpected Apple confirmed today that CEO Steve Jobs will appear in person at the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference next week to unveil Apple’s newest shiny goodness. According…
If you’re an Android-powered device user and have been jealous of all your iPhone and iPad using friends who get to watch Netflix content on their devices, be jealous no longer. Netflix finally announced that…
When cool new things come out like Amazon’s recent Cloud Player service you pretty much assume these things will work with your iPhone, iPad or other iOS device. They are, after…
As expected, late yesterday Apple released a new update for iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. This update, dubbed iOS 4.3.3 for AT&T and iOS 4.2.8 for Verizon, addresses…
I guess its’s a good thing I decided not to cancel HBO. If you’re considering ditching your premium subsctiption to the HBO service, you might want to re-think it too. Why?…
iPhone users take note, your device is not the one that most people want anymore. How do we know? The Nielsen Company on Tuesday released the findings of its latest smartphone…
In case you haven’t been keeping up with current iPhone location tracking events, it was recently revealed that cellular iOS devices such as the iPhone and 3G enabled iPad collect location…