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  • Apple Introduces CarPlay

    Love them or hate them, Apple is one of the most dominant players all over the world world with their iPad and iPhone devices. And now they’re looking to expand that…

  • And Now, Here’s the Samsung Galaxy S5

    If you’re an Android and Samsung fan, this is a great day for you. Why? Well, Samsung has just announced its brand new flagship Android-powered smartphone: the Galaxy S5. And yes,…

  • Final Draft Releases Version 9

    Believe it or not, the actors in a movie or TV program don’t just make up their dialog on the spot (well, sometimes). Nor do the director or producers just make…

  • This Is the New Motorola Moto X Smartphone

    As with most new smartphones, and other highly anticipated devices these days, it’s hard to keep them a total secret before they come out. Inevitably, photos, specs or in the case…

  • HBO Go and Watch ESPN Now On Apple TV

    This will be a welcome announcement for the thousands (or more) of you using an Apple TV. HBO Go and Watch ESPN are now available via that device. “HBO GO and…