We were gonna put this up first here at the site, but the boss beat us to it. He keeps doing that. We’re not sure why. Still, it’s worth putting up…
After reading Kick-Ass 2, we waited for the firs trailer to come out for the movie to see if it lived up to the first one. While no one agreed with…
Superman. Michelangelo. Kobe Bryant. Where could you possibly see them all in the same movie? Well since the title of the article already spoiled it for you, I don’t have to…
This first trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street actually came out last night, but that’s okay. We still feel it’s important enough to bring to you. That mostly because its…
Whatever happened to The Man of Tomorrow? In the late ’70s, when Richard Donner and Mario Puzo were making their Superman movie, they realized that the lead character, when in costume,…
I’ve had, for some time, the suspicion that the current comedy troop of Rogen, Hill, Cera, and Franco would eventually get to the point where, instead of a script, they would…
When you’re a successful actor looking for the next challenge, that next challenge is often to direct a movie. Add Keanu Reeves to that list of actors. His first time in…
Today, Warner Bros dropped the first trailer for the sequel to 300 called 300: Rise of an Empire. Because this is so new, we won’t waste a lot of time on…