It was just a matter of time but according to reports, Apple has completed negotiations with all four of the major record labels including Warner Music Group, EMI Music Group, Universal…
iPad 2
When the iPad was first released many users regarded it as an ideal device to read books, comic books, magazines and screenplays. For that last one, your choices were pretty much…
As expected, late yesterday Apple released a new update for iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. This update, dubbed iOS 4.3.3 for AT&T and iOS 4.2.8 for Verizon, addresses…
Even when they make dumb mistakes (which doesn’t happen often) Apple is pretty quick to try and fix them. Or, at the very least they offer an explanation. In the case…
I guess its’s a good thing I decided not to cancel HBO. If you’re considering ditching your premium subsctiption to the HBO service, you might want to re-think it too. Why?…
Let this be a lesson to you out there if you’re working on any cool projects for notoriously secretive tech companies: Don’t steal or leak info. Why? Well for one it’s…
For some reason tech companies seem to think everyone wants a tablet computer. Sure, Apple’s iPad and iPad2 have sold very well and many customers are very satisfied with their purchases.…
With all the hubbub about Apple and Android tracking your location via iOS 4 iPhones and 3G iPads and Android powered devices, it was just a matter of time before somebody…