The Marvel Cinematic Universe is entering into untested grounds. While the first phase of films was groundbreaking in its structure, it still had the familiar grasp of forward momentum. Like a…
This week is going to belong to Iron Man and Marvel Studios, today we have the first look at the teaser poster and an actual shot of The Mandarin for you…
Despite what the weather might indicate around most of the country right now, we are knee-deep into October, the month where all the things that go bump in the night get…
Edgar Wright is a filmmaker who everyone should be excited about. He managed the rare hat trick of having his first three films be very excellent AND rather successful. So when he…
Hitchcock is one of those handful of films that in any other year would be at the top of the heap for the award bait season we are about to head…
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is not your average horror franchise. The original film is a true original and was one of the forefathers of modern horror storytelling, and after that the…
I am not a PTA fan, so much so that I feel the need to state that at the top of this news item about the new one-sheet for his latest…
Taken is one of those films that just works in every way. From concept, to casting, all the way to the score and even the title, it just all works so…