Ever since the beginning of the motion gaming movement we have been waiting for a game that lets us slice and dice with a lightsaber. Finally that dream is becoming a reality with…
Star Wars
This past weekend we saw the release of Beauty and the Beast in 3D, the most recent in a string of classic films getting a 3D face lift. The next big…
There are 50 scripts out there somewhere, 50 episodes of a TV series that most fan boys can’t wait to see. The Star Wars live action show has been discussed for…
There is only one thing that George Lucas doesn’t want to make a dime off of, only one thing he wants to see disappear and never brought up again. That would be the…
Fan films seem to be huge again all the sudden. This new one featuring our favorite Transformer and a bit too many lens flairs. This new commercial for Soul Wax Radio…
The fun folks over at Corridor Digital finally made a follow-up to their classic Graphic Violence video from a year ago with a new one, Brush with Death. Speaking of all…
Welcome to another edition of On the Radar where we delve into all corners of the entertainment, tech and geek Internets for news, views and whatnot that may have escaped our regular…
Welcome to another edition of On the Radar where we delve into all corners of the entertainment, tech and geek Internets for news, views and whatnot that may have escaped our regular…