X-Men Archives
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  • 506. Stuff Nerds Love

    Once again it’s time for a brand new episode of The Flickcast. The podcast about stuff nerds love. This week it’s Episode 506: Stuff Nerds Love. This week we’re doing something…

  • 503. Never Say Never Again . . . Again

    It’s time for a brand new episode of The Flickcast. The podcast about stuff nerds love. This week it’s Episode 503: Never Say Never Again . . . Again This week…

  • 471. Waiting for Cyclops

    A new week and that means a brand new episode of The Flickcast. The podcast about stuff nerds love. This time it’s Episode 471: Waiting for Cyclops. Joe is off this…

  • 438: Pre MCU Superhero Movies

    It’s time for a brand new episode of The Flickcast. The podcast about stuff nerds love. This week it’s Episode 438: Pre MCU Superhero Movies.  This week Chris and Joe deviate…

  • The Flickcast 339: The Flickcast Wakes

    Hey folks, it’s time for a brand new episode of the occasional series The Flickcast. And no, we still don’t have a joke for this one. Besides, isn’t it a little late…

  • Discovering ‘X-Men: Battle of the Atom’

    Avid comic readers know there’s one undeniable truth to any crossover or event featuring Marvel’s merry mutants: prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best. For every Age of…

  • The Flickcast Episode 243: Days of Future Past

    Once again there’s a brand new episode of The Flickcast for you to enjoy. And on the correct day too. Again. Two weeks in a row. Wow, right? As you would expect, this…