Our Wesen of the Week: The Fuchsteufelwild. Someone is killing off the team of four programmers that wrote the breakthrough code for an online RPG. The twist? He is in the…
TV Recaps
Oliver is set to go after one of the men on his list, but when he arrives at the man’s home, he is gone. A disgruntled government employee, Joseph Falk, is…
Jacob is having visions of Paul all throughout his room. Paul is telling him to kill Emma. Joe has forced Jacob to reconcile with Emma. Emma tries to have sex with…
Rick tells Daryl and Merle about the deal on the table to trade Michonne to The Governor in return for peace. Rick had decided to do it, but Merle knows he…
A new Wesen is introduced in this episode, a man who picks up woman at grief support groups. He gets invited back to their home, and spews a Great Muta (or…
A man is offered a dance at a strip club, and when he gets to the VIP room, the dancer is actually Helena. The man turns out to be her father’s…
After a meeting with bureaus in DC, Donovan informs Parker and Hardy that DC is taking over the investigation, and they will stay on to run the task force. Parker is…
The Governor is setting up a back room with restraints and tools that are most likely going to be used for torture. Martinez is gathering artillery and men to follow The…