In 1961 New Orleans, a black boy is chased down by some angry white local men and hung in the woods. His mother works in Marie Laveau’s hair salon. As revenge,…
TV Recaps
Nick is running crazily through the woods as Monroe and Hank are trying to track him. He sees a family coming home and chases after them. He breaks into the house…
There is a new threat in Starling City – The Mayor. He is the head of a new gang that emerged after the earthquake, and is in possession of military grade…
In this episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead Tyreese demands that Rick find out who killed Karen and David. When Rick is not as gung-ho about finding the killer as he feels he should…
If you think the picture above is rather tame and boring, that pretty much describes a huge portion of the first episode of this series. What I was expecting to be…
Captain Renard has followed his brother Eric to the shipping container warehouse, and found that Eric is taking something away in a coffin. Meanwhile, Rosalee, Monroe, and Juliette are trapped on…
So Oncers it’s time for our weekly journey in Neverland. But this time we get a little spice in our bland Once soup with the story of Killain Jones, a good…
Fiona has a flashback to 1971. She is the Supreme apparent to the current Supreme, Anna-Lee. Anna-Lee feels that Fiona is too young and cocky to take the throne, and if…