Over at MTV’s Splash Page, they’ve got an interview with Helboy and future Hobbit director Guillermo Del Toro. Among the many things discussed in the interview was the future of the Hellboy film franchise. The director would do another film but doubts Hellboy himself, actor Ron Perlman would be up for it because he hates the makeup. One other great bit of info revealed in the interview was that the director had come very close to taking on the big screen adaptation of Marvel’s Thor.
In the interview, Del Toro says: “They approached me for Thor. And for a long time we talked about that, because the mythology and the images were very attractive to me. This was before Hellboy II,” he said. While director Kenneth Branagh was eventually tapped to take on Thor, Del Toro had quite a bit to say in the interview about why he was so attracted to the character and the idea of doing the film.
“I’m a fan of [Jack] Kirby and the power he has, and I’m a fan of the original mythology,” explained Del Toro. “So I thought we could go back to the original mythology a lot. I love Loki, I think he’s a great figure.”
Interesting indeed but not really surprising. The director has proven he can handle big, effects-driven films in the past so it would make sense that Marvel would consider him for one of its films. Plus, he certainly seems to have an affinity for the characters and the mythology. Plus, he’s an extremely talented director with a unioque vision. Its too bad we won’t ever get to see what a Guillermo Del Toro Thor movie would look like.
That said, I’m pretty interested to see what someone like Kenneth Branagh can bring to the table. He certainly has the chops to handle actors and has already made some interesting choices in that area. Plus, he’s done effects-driven films before as well so handling the demands of a movie as big as Thor should be no problem. I, for one, can’t wait to see how it turns out.
Be sure to check out the Del Toro interview after the jump.