Dave's Weekly Comic Book Recommendations

Dave’s Weekly Comic Book Recommendations

11952_400x600-200x300We are chock full of Vertigo Comics this week, as the mature line of DC Comics debuts its Crime Line with two hardcovers from Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets) and best selling mystery author Ian Rankin.

Azzarello offers us Filthy Rich about an ex-football player contracted to protect a mob boss’s daughter.  I’ve read a long preview of this and Azzarello’s acid tongue slips into every panel that somehow plays a jazz tune. I don’t know what it is, but just reading the pages I did I just thought I heard a Louis Armstrong song.

Ian Rankin gives us Dark Entries a crime line title featuring Vertigo’s longest running character, John Constantine, as he tackles a haunted house set up as a reality television program. I don’t know this doesn’t seem like a crime story, per se, but seems more appropriate for the main Hellblazer title.

The other Vertigo book is the first trade of The Unknown Soldier. I haven’t read this at all, but an interesting piece in last weekend’s New York Times, has left me interested in checking this trade out. For ten dollars, I’m sure there are worse things you could spend your money on.

From Image, we have Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein’s completely brilliant Viking #3.  If you have not checked this title out, you have no taste whatsoever. This thoroughly researched and beautifully painted book will probably end up on people’s Top 10 best books of the year lists, and if it doesn’t you shouldn’t trust those people.

Marvel has given us Daredevil #500, what has me pumped over this book is the brilliant pinups in it, from Geoff Darrow (Shaolin Cowboy) and Rafael Grampa (Mesmo Delivery).  Also, this is, sadly, Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark’s final issue on the title. So, for especially that reason, go out and get it.

As always, we here at The Flickcast care about what you read, so let us know what you liked/didn’t like this week in the comments.  And if you don’t like what you see here, be sure to check out Midtown Comics comprehensive list of what comes out today.