Zachary Quinto Narrates Hilarious 'Star Trek' Slashfic

Zachary Quinto Narrates Hilarious ‘Star Trek’ Slashfic

Picture 3Now, before Zachary Quinto supporters get all bent out of shape, allow me to first explain. The following is a fan-edit of the audiobook for Alan Dean Foster’s novelization of this year’s Star Trek. The audiobook was narrated by the film’s co-star Zachary Quinto, who played Spock.

From there, an overzealous fan decided that the narration would make a much better romance novel than a story about intergalactic heroism. With that, “Spork! An Erotic Love Story” was born. Dean Foster is quite descriptive in his narrative, and sadly this is only used against him in this slashfic (fan fiction which ends in romance).

Check out the video after the jump, but be warned, if you’re sure dialogue and descriptions from a novelization of Star Trek can’t be considered NSFW, you might be proven wrong. Also, be aware, it can get pretty intense towards the end, but overall it’s quite hilarious. Enjoy.

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  • Amy
    January 14, 2010 at 4:46 am

    ¡Esto es demasiado!
    Cada uno es libre de hacer lo que le de la gana, pero utilizar la hermosa voz de Zachary para hacer realidad esas muy pervertidas fantasias, ¡Y luego publicarlas!
    Al escuchar esto solo puedo pensar en Zachary
    ¿Como puede hacerle esto? ¡No es justo!

  • wf
    December 23, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s like a really really bad Harlequin romance. Yes, fans can be very creative. I saw fans take the first Trek movie (which was dull beyond belief) and made a great video, including ‘Chubby Chekov screams” record ads in it. 😉

  • mimi
    December 23, 2009 at 11:34 am

    Why would Zachary Quinto supporters need to get bent out of shape unless you or the makers of this intended it to be, or assume it is meant to be seen as, an insult to him?