AMC Gives 'The Killing' a Second Season

AMC Gives ‘The Killing’ a Second Season

AMC’s murder mystery drama series The Killing as somewhat of a frustrating show. It features some very strong characters and good performances from a majority of the cast but it also has often glacial pacing that tries even the patience of this seasoned TV viewer.

I really want to like the show. However, I sometimes find myself fast forwarding through some of it (the parents of the dead girl for example) to get to the murder mystery scenes. That’s just more interesting to me and what the show is supposed to be about: Who killed Rosie Larson?

Anyway, my issues with the show haven’t stopped AMC from renewing it for a second season. So, I guess I’ll get another chance to see if I end up liking it more. This, of course, brings up the question of the season finale which airs this Sunday.

Now that we pretty much know who the killer is, will everything get resolved? My guess is probably not. In fact, I expect a bit of a cliffhanger to entice viewers to come back for Season 2.

I guess we’ll see on Sunday.