Tech Review: 'Snowball USB Mic' from Blue Microphones

Tech Review: ‘Snowball USB Mic’ from Blue Microphones

Let’s face it, we are on the cusp of the podcast generation. Nine out of ten average internet users either listen to daily podcasts if not record one themselves. That means that prosumer audio tools need to be simpler and more cost effective than ever.

Nobody who records a podcast, voiceover, or even voicechats online with friends or family wants to lug around an expensive XLR or headset mic place to place so that they can sound good. That’s where Blue Microphones’ Snowball USB microphone comes in handy.

This simple, science fiction-looking USB mic isn’t your normal USB mic. The #1-selling wired condenser mic out there, the Snowball has a high-quality dual capsule design that enables recording in three settings: cardioid, cardioid w/pad, and omni-directional.

For those who aren’t in it for the high-tech lingo and want simplicity, you can expect nothing simpler than the fact that the mic is plug-and-play for both Mac and PC, so even your grandparents could use this guy with ease and no concern of “drivers” or annoying instructions.

And if you’re looking for a cool design to make your desk look more like the bridge of the Enterprise, the mic’s “thermal detonator” design with three color options (white, black, & chrome) will be more than enough of a conversation starter.

If simplicity and cool design aren’t enough for you, and you need that extra feature to put you over the top, this guy also works with the iPad and iPad 2. So if you have access to Apple’s camera connection USB port, you can download the Blue FiRe app and download CD-quality audio on the go.

I can’t stress how crucial the Snowball is for anyone looking to record audio in the web space. Our weekly podcast has been going for nearly 100 episodes, and we have used one of these in a direct comparison to a $500, professional XLR sound system and the quality easily sways towards the Snowball. You can grab it today for $99.99 online or anywhere where USB mics are sold.