Those who aren’t watching The Legend of Neil, the comedy web series spoofing the Legend of Zelda videogame, are absolutely missing out on a great time. The show was created and directed by Sandeep Parikh, who played Zaboo on the critically acclaimed web series The Guild, co-starring Whedon-favorite Felicia Day.
This show is about a regular screw up who gets sucked into the Zelda game and is not often confused for the main character. Antics ensue. The series originally started a year ago, then got picked up by Atom Films, a partner of Comedy Central.
The first season is out on DVD or online here, but season two seems to be where the action is. Episode 3 just went live, and it’s….a musical! The idea of an online musical seems a bit familiar, but it’s still a pretty impressive episode nonetheless. Each episode airs on every Sunday and soon to be released on Comedy Central once the season is over.
Check out episode 3 after the jump and keep up with the NSFW comedic antics of Neil every week!
September 7, 2009 at 10:38 amI want to download the songs from the musical episode… where can I do this PLEASE let me know!!! ..thanks 🙂